Friday, February 11, 2011

The Power of Grace

The Super Human Effect: Stories of the Moment When Everything Changes

by Grace J Power

The moment that everything changed for me happened when I was listening to a sermon at church, and the message was about seeing grace in every moment and in every circumstance. I listened intently and found myself wondering, “What is grace, really?” This question stuck with me. I started to look for grace in every circumstance of my life and since I wasn’t particularly clear on what grace was, I found it difficult to see. That week as I was journaling, I decided to delve into discovering what grace really meant. I started by looking up the definition in the dictionary. There was quite a long definition. I read:

grace   (gr s)

Seemingly effortless beauty or charm of movement, form, or proportion.
A characteristic or quality pleasing for its charm or refinement.
A sense of fitness or propriety.

A disposition to be generous or helpful; goodwill.
Mercy; clemency.
A favor rendered by one who need not do so; indulgence.
A temporary immunity or exemption; a reprieve.
Graces Greek & Roman MythologyThree sister goddesses, known in Greek mythology as Aglaia, Euphrosyne, and Thalia, who dispense charm and beauty.

gra·cious   (gr sh s)

Characterized by kindness and warm courtesy.
Characterized by tact and propriety:responded to the insult with gracious humor.
Of a merciful or compassionate nature.
Condescendingly courteous; indulgent.
Characterized by charm or beauty; graceful.
Characterized by elegance and good taste: gracious living.
Archaic Enjoying favor or grace; acceptable or pleasing.

As I was reading about these qualities of ‘grace’ I heard my thoughts say, “I love this word! I want this to be my name!” Then it was like I heard the sound of a bell ‘ding’! That was it! I am going to have Grace as my name. As I thought about this further, I decided it would be my middle name, since I never had a middle name. “MaryAnn Grace Probert. That sounds great!” I thought.

The next day, I called my good friend, Ben and told him that I was so amazed by the word grace that I was going to make it my name. He said, “That’s great! Do you want me to call you Grace?” I quickly thought about this and exclaimed, “Yes!”

Since I changed my mind to using Grace as my first name, I considered, ‘Why not change my whole entire name?’ And that is what I did.

A couple years previous to this, I had been through a divorce and changing my name from MaryAnn Benavides back to MaryAnn Probert felt rather awkward to me. I had been MaryAnn Benavides for four years and considered that it would be my name for the rest of my life. I also liked the name. Benavides means ‘the good life’ and I had considered keeping it. Although, when filling out the divorce documents I decided to go back to my maiden name, MaryAnn Probert which felt foreign to me as well as most of the people in my life. My English teacher in High School always pronounced my last name like the French Canadians, and I decided to pronounce my name with that accent since it gave it a different twist than what I grew up with. Still, I honestly felt a bit awkward about this. It just didn’t seem like ‘me’.

Now that I was inventing a new name for myself, I wanted to have a strong last name and it came to me at church one Sunday. The pastor was recognizing a group of new members to the church, and as he was reading off the names, it occurred to me that I should listen to the last names and see if any of them would fit for my new last name. Immediately after I thought about this, he announced a woman with the last name Powers. I liked it right away, and remember thinking, “That’s it!”

Again, I discussed this with my friend Ben over the phone wondering if I should use Powers or Power. He said, “I like Power best. Like One Power instead of mystical powers.” I trusted my friend’s advice. Then it was onto deciding, middle name? middle name?

I had a session with an Intuitive Reader and I asked her about the name change. She suggested looking at the numerology of the amount of letters used in the name.

A couple weeks went by as I pondered about choosing a middle name or not. My boyfriend had a book of gods in his library and I decided to skim through it for name ideas. As I read about various gods, I flipped to the page about Janus. This god intrigued me as I read that he represented the present moment. He had two heads, one facing forward and one facing backward, representing past and future. January is named after Janus since it represents the end of one year and beginning of the next. Since I was practicing living in the present moment, I decided this was the perfect name for me. I also had heard that the number 5 represents change. And each word (Grace Janus Power) has five letters.

With this new name declared, I have felt more like ‘me’ and each day I am living into this new name and seeing grace in every moment.

Thursday, February 10, 2011

The State of My Union

For those of you who have been following my journey, you are aware that a year ago I began writing about a defining moment. A moment when everything changes and we gain clarity of our life's purpose.  It comes without warning. It feels right and we have no choice but to set fear aside and act. It is a super human moment that awakens in us a new perception known as unconditional love. I have had my eyes and ears opened to this moment in the lives of so many. Brendon Burchard speaks of the moment when during a near fatal car accident, he asked the questions for the first time: Did I live? Did I love? Did I matter? Brendon committed his life to earning the right to live? Doreen Virtue writes about the moment when during a car-jacking, she felt the presence of an angel. Everything changed and if you have read any of her books since the car-jacking, you know by how much.

When this “moment” arrived for me, I was beside myself with joy at the prospects of starting a new life as an author. I was filled with a spiritual connection and an inspiration to write, for 80-days straight, what would become The Super Human Effect book. I was communicating with spirits from other realms daily and intuitively connecting to the soul’s desires of  many. The healing experiences were also extraordinarily common.  I felt like I had entered heaven while on earth.

Then everything changed… Again!

About six months ago, I lost my ability to connect to spirit. Darkness set in and inspiration could not be accessed. No mystical experiences. No desire to pray. No words. Nothing.  Had I given up my 9-5 job to become a spiritual author only to have all of my “gifts” be taken away. Had I replaced having a job with being Job? The struggles were endless. My ego wanted so badly to hold on to the idea of the new spiritual leader emerging.  The new messenger whose message is simple: Fear will not win. There was only one problem:

I was afraid that fear was winning.

Instead of giving in to the “shoulds” of an author’s life, I chose to have this fear be my curriculum for change. Can I be present and know that God is- regardless of what I experience? Awakening to the moment is when the work begins. For the past six months, I have lived the life of a poor struggling artist who is staring at an empty canvas.

Why am I telling you this instead of shaping your perceptions of me as an expert? Because as you grow more and more into who you really are and follow your dreams, I don't want you to give up even if everything that fueled your desires is temporarily taken away. I have found a deeper connection through letting go of all my roles including the role of a writer.  My message is more important than a career. Fear will not win. No matter what your circumstances look like, your union with all that is can never be severed. It is found in an awareness of present moment, not in ideas of what you think makes you valuable.  You are valuable because you are.

I am writing this while coverage of the fate of Mubarak’s reign plays out in the background. Fear will not win. The protesters will not walk away from their dream.  In our perceived weakness the state of our union is strong.

Dennis Rodriguez